“Finding Me” – Viola Davis

Rating: 5 out of 5.
  • Genre: Autobiography
  • Medium: Audio Book
  • 06.02.24 – 05.03.24

If you are interested in reading Viola Davis’ autobiography, I highly recommend you listen to the audiobook narrated by her. Her narration is really what makes her story come alive. It’s incredibly engaging and more entertaining than just reading the physical book.

I was a fan of Viola before this book, but now I have even more respect and appreciation for her. Her strength, her faith in herself and God are so admirable and inspiring.

Some parts of the book made me smile, others made me cry with her; it just was so gripping. I listened to the first few hours in which she talked about her childhood almost in one sitting. I am still fascinated by how she was able to pull herself out of the poverty of her childhood.

I also found it incredibly interesting to hear about her experience as a black woman in the film industry. How there were almost no roles for her and the only ones she got were full of stereotypes. A highlight for me was her stories about the TV show “How to get away with murder” (which I loved and which made me a fan of hers). Therefore it was incredible to hear that this show helped her not only to establish herself even further in her career, but also to find herself.

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